Anais Club is all that you’re looking for in a venue

Awarded at Venue Awards 2020: Gold award to Anais Club as the Best Venue in Customer Service and Silver Award as the Best Venue under 1.000 capacity.

Enchanting atmosphere

The sophisticated aesthetics, the fluid element, the lighting, the architecture of the building and the decoration of the event hall create a unique atmosphere.

Excellent infrastructure

The facilities are well designed to host demanding events throughout the year. Features as the open roof and folding windows count as a plus 

Experienced staff

People, who are in charge of offering warm hospitality to guests, are chosen for their experience, politeness and ability to work effectively.

setup options

We ensure the perfect planning of every kind of event thanks to our people’s experience, the choice of our partners and the adoption of special Event Management software.

GOLD award anai club at venue awards
SILVER award anai club at venue awards

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